Joni's (Jola Niedziela- Chudzik) painting.
Journey into metaphysical relationships is the main subject of Jola Niedziela paiting.
On Her very own way Shes "drawing" canvas of childhood memoirs, but not only.
Her works are also touching an importnant topic of maternity. Strong relation between mother and child but also
a dialog of generations are connected with nature elements. And nature becomes an important background for humans existence. The cycles of nature are marking death, senescence but also rebirth to a totaly new diferent form.
Leaf motif entwining as a refrain is a symbol of both life and death. In their blury efemerical form they are appearnig
as a reminder of humans life transience.
Artist is ilustrating magic moments of reality using also diferent symbols.
Almost invisible bird appearnig on painted child's palm, can bear a mystery of freedom and immortality.
Watching exhibition brings us impression that both nature and human existence is alvays in a state of change,
never ending flow and float.
Borys Włoczkowski
translate V. Valwesröm